The 10th (2022) China Semiconductor Equipment Annual Conference opens in Wuxi


n October 28, 2022, the 10th China Semiconductor Equipment Annual Conference and Semiconductor Equipment and Core Components Exhibition opened in the Taihu Lake International Expo Center in Wuxi. Chu Junhao, academician of the CAS Member, Ye Tianchun, secretary-general of the China Integrated Circuit Innovation Alliance and chairman of the Integrated Circuit Branch of the China Semiconductor Association, Chi Yu, deputy director of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Jiangsu Province, and Zhou Wendong, deputy mayor of Wuxi, attended the meeting and delivered speeches. The conference is hosted by the China Electronics Special Equipment Industry Association. Jin Cunzhong, Executive Deputy Secretary General of China Electronics Special Equipment Industry Association, presided over the summit forum. The China Semiconductor Equipment Annual Conference has accompanied the Chinese semiconductor industry for ten years. Over the past decade, the scale of China's semiconductor equipment market has continued to develop, and the sales revenue and research and development investment of the Chinese semiconductor equipment industry have maintained a sustained growth trend. Jin Cunzhong said that Wuxi is a key city in China's semiconductor equipment industry, and the scale of the semiconductor industry in Wuxi High tech Zone has exceeded 100 billion yuan, forming a development pattern of the entire semiconductor industry chain. In his speech, Ye Tianchun, Secretary General of the China Integrated Circuit Innovation Alliance and Chairman of the Integrated Circuit Branch of the China Semiconductor Association, emphasized that since we have our own system, we should take ourselves as the main focus, forming an internal cycle from system application, design, manufacturing, packaging and testing, equipment, materials, and components, and then bringing in international resources to form a dual cycle of international and domestic. The important thing is to create a new global ecosystem centered around myself, and now it seems that this task is becoming increasingly urgent. In his speech, Chi Yu, Deputy Director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, pointed out that. At present, the world's biggest change in a century has accelerated its evolution. The COVID-19 has far-reaching impact. The international environment is complex. The competition around the commanding heights of science and technology is unprecedented. The development pattern of the global integrated circuit industry is facing profound adjustment, and the industrial development is facing new problems and challenges. At the same time, the industrial transformation of the new round of technological revolution is deepening. The continuous integration and innovation of technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, and blockchain have also provided broad space for industrial development. In his speech, Zhou Wendong, Deputy Mayor of Wuxi, pointed out that Wuxi is a central city in the Yangtze River Delta region. It not only has a profound cultural heritage and superior ecological endowment, but is also highly respected for its solid industrial foundation. Since the establishment of Factory 742 60 years ago, Wuxi has witnessed and participated in the initial development of China's integrated circuit industry. After more than half a century of careful cultivation, the integrated circuit industry has become a landmark industry in Wuxi, a shining business card, and a prominent global position.



Attendees of this event are also the heads of major functional departments of the Wuxi Municipal Government and the responsible persons of each sector. There are also entrepreneurs from member units of the China Electronics Special Equipment Industry Association, as well as representatives from the industry, universities, research institutions, investment and financing service institutions, and relevant media.

As an authoritative platform for communication in the domestic equipment industry, the China Semiconductor Equipment Annual Conference, on the occasion of its 10th anniversary, held a domestic semiconductor equipment and component achievement exhibition at the same time. More than 100 companies participated in this exhibition, with an exhibition area of nearly 5000 square meters. For the first time, it gathered many industry leading enterprises to showcase semiconductor specific equipment, providing a good opportunity to connect the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, and can be regarded as an industry grand event.

CSEAC on-site behind the scenes footage